Heatmap of genes expression value categorized by classes
ggplot_heatmap(input_data, threshold = FALSE, output_name = "Sample")
input_data | A tibble, with four columns. First column name should be
threshold | Logical, to set maximum limit of the color
key. |
output_name | A character vector, containing name of the output
plot. |
heatmap of expression of given genes categorized by class and output image file of same.
if (FALSE) { dat <- readr::read_delim(system.file("extdata/genesets/an_spore_hypha_specificgenes.txt" , package = "FungalSporeAnalysis"), delim="\t", col_names = TRUE) input_data <- dat %>% dplyr::filter(class=="spore_maturation") ggplot_heatmap(input_data ,threshold = TRUE, output_name = "plots/An_spores_maturation_genes_exprsn") }